The conference official language is English. Authors should submit the full paper in Microsoft Word format (e.g., EAAIC00XXX.doc). The paper should be FIVE (5) to TEN (10) pages and clearly state the objectives, methods, results, and conclusion of the research work. The paper should emphasize the novel aspects of the work.
The conference secretariat will forward a receipt upon receiving the manuscript. The manuscript will be reviewed by technical committee. All paper will be published in the conference proceedings Indexed by SCOPUS.
Download full paper format here : Paper_Template_EAAIC_2018
Submit your full paper via this link : Full Paper Submission
(you will have to sign up if you do not have an account).
Authors should submit the full paper in Microsoft Word format (e.g., PaperID_EAAIC001.doc).
Further Inquiry/Information:
Contact EAAI Conference Secretariat
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