From left to right: Example of noise propagation without mitigation | Example of noise propagation with selected noise barriers
Controlling noise and vibration in sensitive and densely built up areas
UTM’s Institute if Noise & Vibration is MMC‐ Gamuda KVMRT (PDP)’s Noise & Vibration Consult‐ ant that undertook the detailed analysis and design of mitigation measures for the Sg. Buloh Kajang Line consisting of 8 viaduct packages and 2 underground packages.
The work involved comprehensive noise modeling for airborne noise, and ground‐borne vibration & noise. The analysis was supported by ground vibration mobility testing along the underground tunnel to be used in detailed vibration analysis.
The deliverables include comprehensive airborne noise and ground‐borne vibration & noise analysis to establish design requirements for noise & vibration mitigation measures: noise barriers and enclosures, and tracks isolation systems. We shall be involved in the review & approval of construction drawings and site inspections., and trains trials test.
The Noise Barriers & Enclosure Works Package was awarded at RM 202 million ‐ which was the largest and most technically challenging noise barrier contract in the ASEAN region till date.

From left to right: Mock up of a noise barrier for prototype inspection | Artist impression of one of several noise barriers for KVMRT.
“This project is in good hands”
Dato’ Halimah Hassan
Ketau Pengarah, Dept. of Environment Malaysia Comment made when informed that the Institute is the Noise & Vibration Consultant for this KVMRT Project.