Key and Technical Personnel

team-01Dr Mohd Salman Leong, B.Sc.,Ph.D
Professor & Principal Consultant, Founding Director of Institute

Dr Salman Leong has more than 35 years professional engineering consulting experience, and is acknowledged by the industry and government agencies as the leading authority in acoustics, noise & vibration in the country. He has been involved in many of the mega‐projects and high impact consulting and investigation projects in oil & gas, power generation, infrastructure and construction industries.

Tel : +603-26154925
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team-02Dr Azlan Adnan, B. Sc., M.Eng.,Ph.D
Professor & Principal Consultant

Dr Azlan Adnan has more than 27 years professional consulting experience, and is acknowledged by the industry and government agencies as the leading authority in seismic and earthquake engineering in the country. He has been involved in most of the high profile projects and seismic assessment of iconic buildings in the country. He is highly sought after for seismic assessment n the building and construction industries.

team-03Dr Roslan Abd Rahman, B.Sc., M.Sc.,Ph.D
Professor & Principal Consultant

Dr Roslan Rahman has more than 20 years professional consulting experience in structural dynamics and mechanical vibrations with specialization in automotive NVH and marine applications. He also has related experience in machinery and structural vibrations in petro‐chemical facilities.

team-04Dr Lim Meng Hee, B. Eng., M.Eng.,Ph.D
Senior Lecturer & Consultant

Dr Lim Meng Hee has more than 13 years professional consulting experience in acoustics and vibration, with specialization in machinery diagnostics. He has extensive experience in power generation gas and steam turbines, blade failures diagnostics and experimental modal analysis.

team-05Dr Raja Ishak, B. Sc., M.Sc.,Ph.D
Senior Lecturer & Consultant

Dr Raja Ishak has more than 10 years professional experience in condition monitoring with specialization in acoustic emissions. He also has related experience in automotive NVH, vehicle dynamics and environmental noise.

team-06Dr Norhisham Bakhary, B.Eng., M.Eng.,Ph.D
Senior Lecturer & Consultant

Dr Norhisham Bakhary has 10 years experience in structural health monitoring and structural assessment.
He had been involved in monitoring and assessment studies on structures subjected to seismic tremors.

team-07Dr Sophia C. Alih, B.Eng., M.Eng.,Ph.D
Senior Lecturer & Consultant

Dr Sophia Alih has 7 years consulting experience in structural integrity and vulnerability, seismic hazard
studies and finite element analysis. She has undertaken site inspections and evaluation of bridges, buildings and dams. She also had developed intelligent bridge inspection system for integrity assessment.

team-08Wong Yi Kang, B.Eng., M.Eng.
Senior Engineer

Wong Yi Kang has 12 years consulting experience in acoustics and noise . He has been involved in most of the Institute’s projects in oil & gas, environmental and acoustics for the last 10 years. He leads the noise analysis team for environmental & infrastructure projects, including environmental noise modelling and acoustics analysis. He has also been involved in vibration investigations in oil & gas and power generation. He is also a key member of the Institute project team for the Klang Valley MRT projects.

team-09Guai Yeu Kae, B.Eng., M.Eng.
Senior Engineer

Guai Yeu Kae has 10 years engineering experience in noise and vibration . He has been involved in most of the Institute’s projects in oil & gas, power generation and infrastructure for the last 8 years. He leads the site team for field measurements and investigations in machinery and structural dynamics. He also undertakes the Institute’s FEA, experimental modal and ODS analysis. He is also a key member of the Institute project team for the Klang Valley MRT projects.

team-010Mohd Azrieasrie Mohd Aziman, B.Sc.

Azrie Aziman has more than 5 years on‐site consulting experience in noise and vibration measurements and investigations. His also undertakes the Institute’s ODS and FE analysis, and noise modelling. He has been involved in all the Institute’s projects in the oil & gas, power generation and infrastructure projects in the last 5 years.

team-011Muhammad Khalid Zakaria, B.Sc.

Khalid Zakaria has more than 5 years experience in measurements. He leads the site team for environmental noise and vibration measurements.

team-012Mohd Haffizi Md Idris, B.Sc., M.Eng.
Senior Research officer

Haffizi Idris is a permanent Research officer of the Institute. He has more than 5 years experience in research. He assist the Institute in all research management and planning of research and consulting projects requiring research tasks. He is also involved in the Institute’s projects in oil & gas and infrastructure noise & vibration site works.